Source code for AlphaHooks.widgets.console.display.python

from PyQt5.QtCore import QThread, QObject
from PyQt5.QtGui import QTextCursor, QIcon

from AlphaHooks.widgets.console.interpreters import PythonInterpreter

[docs]class PythonDisplay(QObject): def __init__(self, ui, config, parent=None, **kwargs): """ Loads python configurations for console_log. A new thread is spawned to which the interpreter is moved. This is done to increase the responsiveness of the main user interface. :param ui: used to access 'main.ui' methods :param config: used to configure classes """ super(PythonDisplay, self).__init__(parent) self.ui = ui self.config = config # Prompts self.ps1 = '>>>' self.ps2 = '...' for key, val in kwargs.items(): if key == 'ps1': self.ps1 = val if key == 'ps2': self.ps2 = val self.ui.console_prompt.setText(self.ps1) # Widget Controls self.cursor = self.ui.console_log.textCursor() self.scrollbar = self.ui.console_log.verticalScrollBar() # Threads self.thread = QThread() self.thread.start() self.interpreter = PythonInterpreter(self.config) self.interpreter.moveToThread(self.thread) # States self.running = False # Slots self.ui.console_input.returnPressed.connect(self.send_console_input) self.ui.interpreter_run.clicked.connect(self.send_console_source) self.interpreter.stream_buffer.output.connect(self.send_console_log) self.interpreter.running.connect(self.change_running_state) self.interpreter.error.connect(self.send_console_log) self.interpreter.multi_line.connect(self.prompt)
[docs] def prompt(self, multi_line): """ Checks and displays the current prompt in console_prompt. :param multi_line: Can be True or False for the defined prompts """ if not multi_line: self.ui.console_prompt.setText(self.ps1) else: self.ui.console_prompt.setText(self.ps2)
[docs] def send_console_input(self): """ Push the input to the interpreter where it is run. """ command = self.ui.console_input.text() self.ui.console_input.clear() self.interpreter.push_command.emit(str(command))
[docs] def send_console_source(self): """ Check if the interpreter is running. If it isn't take the source from the editor and push it to the interpreter. """ if self.running is False: source = self.ui.code_editor.text() self.interpreter.push_source.emit(source)
[docs] def send_console_log(self, string): """ Insert the output into console_log and automatically scroll the scrollbar. :param string: output from the interpreter """ # Move cursor self.cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.End) self.ui.console_log.setTextCursor(self.cursor) # Insert text self.ui.console_log.insertPlainText(string) # Move scrollbar self.scrollbar.setValue(self.scrollbar.maximum())
[docs] def change_running_state(self, state): if state is True: self.ui.interpreter_run.setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/interpreter_stop")) else: self.ui.interpreter_run.setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/interpreter_run")) self.running = state
[docs] def stop_running(self): self.thread.quit() self.thread.wait()